What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small data files that get saved on a person’s computer or mobile device when they visit a website. These files allow the website to recognize and remember things about that person’s device and their activity on the site.

There are a few different types of cookies that websites use:

  • Session cookies only last while the person has their web browser open. These get deleted automatically when they close their browser window.
  • Persistent cookies remain saved on the person’s device even after closing the browser. Websites use these to remember preferences and settings for future visits.
  • First-party cookies are set directly by the website itself that the person is visiting.
  • Third-party cookies are set by other companies, not the website operator. These are often used for advertising and analytics tracking across multiple sites.

Why Exness Uses Cookies

Exness uses cookies on their website and trading platforms for several important reasons:

To keep traders securely logged into their accounts when they return to the site or platform.

To remember language, time zone, and other personal preference settings chosen by each trader.

To record data about how people are using and navigating through different sections of the website and platforms.

To deliver personalized advertisements and promotions tailored to each trader’s interests and activity.

Using cookies allows Exness to provide a smoother, customized online experience to each individual trader based on their own characteristics and previous behaviors.

Types of Cookies Used by Exness

Here are some of the main categories of cookies that Exness uses to power their website and services:

  • Authentication cookies are necessary for logging traders into their secure accounts and allowing access to personalized portfolio data.
  • Security cookies help detect potential threats like fraud attempts and unauthorized access to protect trader accounts.
  • Preference cookies keep track of settings like language, trading terminal preferences, risk levels, and other customizations selected by each user.
  • Analytics and performance cookies collect anonymous data about how people find, navigate through, and interact with various parts of the Exness platforms.
  • Advertising cookies are used to select and display relevant promotional offers, market updates, and targeted advertisements specifically for each trader’s interests.

In addition to cookies, Exness may also utilize other tracking technologies like web beacons which are tiny graphics that allow counting visits to certain pages.

Managing Cookie Preferences

Most web browsers automatically accept and enable cookies by default when visiting websites. However, all modern browsers provide settings that allow users to control how cookies are handled on their devices.

Typical options include:

  • Viewing and deleting existing cookies stored on the device
  • Blocking or allowing only certain types of cookies
  • Setting preferences to be notified each time a new cookie is set
  • Automatically clearing all cookies when the browser is closed

The specific instructions for accessing and adjusting these cookie controls varies between different browsers and device types. People can check their browser’s built-in help guides for walkthroughs on managing cookie settings.

It’s important to understand that disabling or blocking certain cookies can sometimes impact or limit the functionality of websites and online services. Parts of the Exness trading platforms may not work properly if required cookies are blocked.

Third-Party Cookies Used by Exness

In addition to first-party cookies set directly by the Exness website, the company also allows approved third-party service providers to set cookies through their site. These trusted partners provide crucial services like:

Web analytics and user behavior tracking Marketing and advertising delivery Social media integration Content performance monitoring

While Exness aims to only work with reputable third parties that follow strong privacy principles, these companies have their own separate cookie policies that apply to any tracking files set through the Exness site.

Data Collection and Use by Exness

Exness collects various types of data about people who visit their website and use their trading platforms, including:

Device information like IP addresses, locations, browsers, and operating systems Pages and platform areas visited Links and advertisements clicked Search queries and terms used Time spent on various sections of the site

This usage data, combined with other information provided by traders like account registration details, helps Exness understand how their products are being utilized. It allows them to identify potential issues, track popular features, measure engagement, and improve the overall user experience.

The collected data is anonymized and aggregated, not linked to individual trader identities. Exness may share these anonymized insights with trusted third-party partners that provide analytics and other services for the company.

However, Exness maintains that they do not sell or rent any personal trader data to external parties. All data is used internally for product development, security, and delivering a better customized experience for traders.

External Website Links

The Exness website contains some links that allow visitors to easily access other third-party websites that are not owned or directly controlled by Exness themselves. This can include links to educational resources, regulators, trading tools, and more.

It’s important to understand that Exness is not responsible for the privacy practices, cookie policies, or general content found on any of these external third-party sites. Visitors should review the policies of those sites separately if they choose to visit them from the Exness website.

Privacy Rights of Exness Users

Depending on where traders live and what regional data privacy regulations apply, they may have certain rights regarding how their personal information is collected, used and stored by companies like Exness.

Some key privacy rights could include:

  • The ability to access and review what personal data is held about them
  • Requesting corrections to any inaccurate personal details
  • Asking for personal data records to be deleted in certain circumstances
  • Objecting to or restricting particular uses of their data
  • Receiving a copy of their data in a portable digital format

Exness has procedures in place to respect and uphold applicable data privacy rights for the regions where they operate. Traders can contact Exness directly to inquire about exercising any of these personal data rights that may apply to them.

Policy Updates

As Exness grows and enhances their product offerings over time, this cookie policy and their general data practices may be updated periodically to reflect the changes.

The policy page will always show the latest revised date, so traders can check back regularly to stay informed about any newly added details or adjusted data use procedures put in place by the company.

In summary, this overview explains in simple terms why Exness uses different types of cookies and other tracking technologies through their website. It covers how this data collection helps power their trading platforms and services, while also outlining privacy rights and controls available to Exness users.